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Bulletin of the Humanities Institute of ISUCT
СМИ: Эл № ФС77-79246        Выходит с 2020 года, один раз в год.
ISSN 2713 3338 (online)


The article analyzes the statements in the English rhyming slang as an original phenomenon of linguistic nonsense, since the culture of nonsense is an interesting and little-studied phenomenon. The point of view is expressed that statements in the English rhyming slang are not only one of the ways of language coding intended for communication of "initiates", but also a special kind of semi-sentence statement that is formulated correctly in itself, but the subject in this case is attributed to a predicate that does not suit it. The specific features of semi-sentences in the English rhyming slang: the purpose of this "rhyme" is to convey information intended only for the initiated, resulting in a kind of language game, which for the uninitiated is completely upside down. However, any nonsense in a certain context can make sense. As a result, it is suggested that the English rhyming slang is a special kind of language game, which, in turn, is a special way of modeling frames, where the author goes out of the usual frame and creates one that allows saturating these subjects with the necessary predicates. It is concluded that the language game in the English rhyming slang is associated with the possibility of modeling new frames, as well as transitions from frame to frame and building inter-frame connections. This game requires inclusion of a listener, the listener becomes stakeholder and in some extent co-author this game, so as thinking listener goes beyond familiar meanings and becomes "out-sense."

Key notions: nonsense, sense, rhyming slang, frame, semi-sentence, subject, predicate.

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